Vlc Player Wmv3 Codec Download

Additional legacy Windows Media codecs can be found HERE if needed. WMV9VCM. With this codec you can open AVI files that contain WMV3 video in applications such.

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hey hey all you knowledgable know-ers of information.

I am wondering if someone can tell me about the WMV3 codec and how to get it for VLC or quicktime on a mac running OS 10.3.3. I have this film I REALLY wanna watch, but when I try and play it, all I get is the audio. Then this mesage comes up that says main: no suitable decoder module for fourcc WMV3.

VLC probably does not support this sound or video format. any ideas of what I can do or another application I try and get this thing going through. I would really appreaciate hearing back

thanks ever so very very much.

dervla of the deep blue

05-12-2004 PM


WMV3 is the Windows Media 9 codec. It can be embedded in either an AVI or a Windows Media file extension ASF or WMV

You can try Windows Media Player for the Mac.


05-13-2004 AM



sorry to say, but there is no wmv3 codec for the mac OS. anywhere. not in WMP, not in quicktime, not in VLC, nowhere. sorry. the best thing to do is burn your movie, give it to a pc-using friend, and have them change file types to quicktime readable. even then it may not work, though

05-29-2004 PM


you are both lovely for responding. Actually, I tried to download and use the Windows Media player and it worked great. so now I have all the seedy movies i want. no, just kidding thank you each for sharing your knowledge.


05-30-2004 PM

WMV3 videos don t work in VLC, Windows Media Player vers 9, nor Quicktime 6.5.1 on my G4 running OS 10.3.4. Also, I ve given up trying to run AVI s :-

07-13-2004 PM


That s odd. with mplayer especially version 1 I can play virtualy any AVI that I come accross. It s merely the WMV3 files that do not play. A seperate codec file would enable Quicktime to play it, but this might be an Apple vs Microsoft issue.

And oh yeah

I refuse to install WMP, as it wants to drop over 200 items on my system. Mplayer is just one file.

07-17-2004 PM


WMV3 dosen t run on Mac at all.

But some.wmv do run with Windows Media Player 9 for Mac. . but some don t. .

Use VLC and WMP and you can play ALMOST everything expt. some wmv3.

08-28-2004 AM


Hi sorry, i have the same problem i cant play Resident Evil 2 on VLC or Quicktime because of a WMV3 file. Which i think is abnormal. If someone could help me out. It would be great. The only thing i hear is sound. But no picuturing. And that is shit. IF you know another application please post it on. Thank you

09-12-2004 AM


Have you tried windows media player 9 for the mac.

Very annoying that wmv3 doesn t run on macs. Can anybody tell me a good Windows NT program to convert wmv3 to a more suitable codec.

09-17-2004 PM


Read and see if any of the information in this thread is any help:

9 topic 678 start 0

just found out that if you download Windows Media Player version 9, it plays WMV3 files.. Yippee.. Don t hold me to it though, I don t wanna tick anyone off if no-one else can get it to work.

10-13-2004 AM


Yeah, Windows media player 9 works for wmv3 files now.

player 9 froze last time I tryed to install but now it works.

10-30-2004 PM


I d like to download the WMP version 9 for my mac running 10.2.8 but it doesn t seem to like the. sitx file. Whatever next. Any ideas.

11-08-2004 AM


Although WMP does play back WMV3 encoded content in its own WMV container, it does not accept the same thing in AVI container, which is about 99 of them out there. In other words, WMP is useless for us.

So for now your solution would be to re-encode WMV3 AVIs with Virtualdub on Windows.

WMV3 has a weird framerate of 119.880. You must go to VIDEO FRAME RATE or press CTRL-R, got to FRAMERATE CONVERSION and under CONVERT TO FPS, key in 23.976.

Try to apply at least one filter to improve the picture. I d suggest Warp Sharp.

Use this moderately.

To best preserve the video quality already loss to WMV3 compression, you should use Xvid codec.

Go to VIDEO COMPRESSION, choose XVID MPEG-4, click CONFIGURE, set TARGET QUANTIZER to either 3 or 2. 2 yields better quality but larger file. But if quality is a big concern, you can t afford to scrimp.

Check to see that your VIDEO is set to FULL PROCESSING MODE and your AUDIO is set to DIRECT STREAM COPY.

With everything in place, do a FILE SAVE AS.

11-17-2004 PM


when I use virtualdub to convert a mkv file that needs wmv3 decoder, the size enlarge to 44GB from a 182 MB file. I chose the tool and save as avi file, did I do it wrong. :

11-21-2004 PM


to austin

You probably meant virtualdubMOD, because regular virtualdub doesn t handle matroska files mkv. When you save you have to pick direct stream copy for the video, or else the default is full processing mode with no compression The file will be humongous.

just read your posts, bit of a pain this codec is, but i am able to watch my film Mario Bros Movie in Virtual PC 7, but it does drop a few frames and this is on a 1ghz PB a gig of ram. But hey it might be a solution for some peopleim just about to try using Snapz Pro to extract the film, but it might kill my machien underthe strain lol ;

11-22-2004 PM


Hi there

Windows media 9, does not work.

I ve got it and tried different possibilities to play a WMV3 movie.

It is a real pain in the butt. I tried the latest VLC o.8.1, RealPlayer

Windows Media 9 for OSX 10.2 . 3

Even loaded 3ivx D4 hoping that it could scramble by chance.

If you read messages on different boards. you will find the same thing

It does not work.

What ever the last person said about successfully playing WMV3, he could be mistaken. I m not say they are a liar, only just that the movie they played isn t WMV3.

01-29-2005 PM


I can t believe there hasn t been a player released on mac to play it. It s been like 2.5 years since the last version of WMP came out lame

02-14-2005 AM


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If you notice, he said he played it in Virtual PC, which is software for running windows and other PC OSes on mac OS X. Read and think before fools of yourselves.

03-02-2005 PM


so here what i found out:

Windows media player plays WMV3

if you get an video that is actually in an avi container and conteins WMV3 you can get it to play in Windows Media Player for mac with help from mplayer:

mplayer -dumpstream

mv. /stream.dump. wmv

this wmv will play in windows media player, isn t that nice.

03-03-2005 PM

Dominik wagner

what does that dumpstream business mean.

03-04-2005 PM


I was able to play a WMV3 file on my G5 Imac using windows media player 9 I tried VLC-0.8.1 first and it would not play the file but it said it was a WMV3 file. Maybe the folks who are having difficulty with windows media player for mac have a corrupt file or their system cant handle the file

03-28-2005 AM


I just renamed the file to asf, and played it with winows media player for mac os x, worked fine


04-10-2005 PM


microsoft is sucking again.

04-14-2005 PM


according to windows medis player download page:


Windows Media Video Decode 4CC: WMV7, WMV8, WMV9

Decodes content encoded with WMV v7 and v8

Decodes content encoded with WMV v9

Decodes WMV v9 1p/2p CBR/VBR

Windows Media Video Image 4CC: WMVP

Decodes CBR/VBR content

MS MPEG-4 Decode 4CC: MP42, MP43

Decodes content encoded with MS MPEG-4 v2 and MS MPEG-4 v3

ISO MPEG-4 Decode 4CC: MP4S

Decodes ISO MPEG-4 v1.0 subset of simple profile

Windows Media Video Screen v7

04-29-2005 PM

kolien fliend

An application. check this out not sure if it is what you are looking for, as it is not free, but not expensive.

here is a copy and paste on the features

Flip4Mac WMV Player

Playback Windows Media Video 7,8,9 SD and HD, and

Windows Media Video 9 Advanced in QuickTime Player directly

Flip4Mac WMV Player Pro

Includes all the playback capabilities of the WMV Player, plus:

Import Windows Media Video 7,8,9 and Windows Media Video 9 Advanced

Convert to other QuickTime formats

Edit Windows Media files

Flip4Mac WMV Studio

Includes all the import and playback capabilities of the WMV Player Pro, plus

Select from preconfigured encoding presets to quickly create high-quality Windows Media files

create your own custom encoding configurations from within your favorite application

export Windows Media Video Audio 9 Standard

single-pass video encoding

constant CBR and variable VBR bit rates

up to 48 kHz audio sampling rates

Flip4Mac WMV Studio Pro

Includes all the import, export and playback capabilities of the WMV Studio, plus:

export Windows Media Video 9 Advanced

two-pass video encoding

encode high-definition HD video resolutions

export Windows Media Audio 9 Professional Lossless

5.1 channel audio

up to 96 kHz audio sampling rates

hope this helps



05-05-2005 AM


can wmp9 play something that vlc can t or is totally pointless to install it on a mac.

05-14-2005 AM

Rom Raptor

i think you guys have this all sorted out now, but i just came across this thread via google result 1 for wmv3 mac, so for the benefit of other people who do the same: i think an alternative to virtualdub which costs money AFAIK would be the rad video tools google for bink and/or smacker, which are freeware. i haven t tried it, but they make use of all codecs you have installed under windows, so you should be able to re-encode anything you can play back under windows to a more compatible format.

06-26-2005 AM


No, VirtualDub is free.

07-23-2005 PM


For those of you having trouble, windows player 9 WILL play your WMV3 AVIs.

The trick is that you have to change the file suffix from. avi to. wmv

You should be good to go.

Lame but true.

08-03-2005 AM


this is breakthrouh.

but is not freeware.


Just one more things,

Flip4mac WMV can read wmv3 on a mac. What nothing can read so far, is a wmv3 movie embeded in a. avi file. That is the most common sort of wmv3 files you will come across and there isn t any solution to that problem exept converting the file to another format under windows.

08-13-2005 PM


Here s a Japanese program that converts WMV3 into ASF called WMV3 Server works on OSX 10.2.8 and above.

Just open the WMV3/AVI file, and if the corresponds, click start and it will convert it into ASF and temporary install it in your library folder.

Once the conversion is completed, simply click the enclosed localhost.asx icon and you re set.

Audio volume must be controlled by WMV3 Server.

So far it has worked for everything I put in.

08-15-2005 AM


I can play all avi on my G4 mac. just collect every quicktime codex that you can - many from wired or carracho.

Type in quicktime codex and start collecting.

Put them into your Library/Quicktime folder in BOTH the main HD and in your own section library.

08-24-2005 AM

Jimmy Da Loon

Look at the Flip4Mac QuickTime codecs.

08-28-2005 AM

Kit Grose

Morons It s not an issue to create an WMV3 decoder for Mac or any other program on windows or Linux blahblah, the issue is that Microsoft has patented their shitty WMV-format and don t hand out licenses for free - you have to PAY for a license to be able to decode WMV3 in your software.

This is the reason that free software like for instance VirtualDub for Windows no longer supports WMV3-decoding - the author got a legal suing on his ass for implementing WMV3-decoding in VDub without a valid license agreement from microsoft.

In short, anyone releasing software that decodes WMV3 without having paid M for a license will face legal threats pretty fast from them.

09-08-2005 AM


With that said, btw., there are several commercial products apart from Microsofts own, for Linux/Mac/Windows that decode WMV3 flip4mac, for instance. Commercial they are because something has to pay for the shitty license for the shitty piece of crap format.

Personally I can t ever understand why people would want to encode in WMV-format since it just narrows down the audience who can view the media, and, as for the codec itself - just like anything else Microsoft tries - it just plain sucks.

Use the FREE formats and be happy They do a better job.

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seriously what is so wrong about mp4 or just plain old mpeg2. all PC people give the same response, rather than help they say to get a PC. damn facists.

09-11-2005 PM


Nobody seems to be getting it

There is no way to play WMV3 INSIDE an AVI. That is not WMV3 inside a WMV or an ASF, etc.

WMP9 will NOT play AVIs whatsoever, only ASF, WM, WMA, WMP or WMV. Flip4Mac 1.0.1 will only play WMV3 when inside of any of those containers, NOT when in an AVI.

So stop suggesting things you have not tried or that you do not understand. You are just making the life of other more difficult when they end up thinking it is somehow thier fault that they cannot do what you can with the same tools when in fact you cannot either.

Things such as WMV3Server to convert the thing to ASF damn easy and free, as dumping the stream with mplayer to another container format which involves command-line, i.e. tricky, and THEN playing the resulting file WMP9 or Flip4Mac would work.

09-17-2005 AM


Well, everyone should enjoy this. Try following these instructions you ll need a PC though.

Download VirtualDub. Open your file.

Go to Video - Compression, pick something different like Divx what I used, and set your compression rate if it s applicable under configure in the compression section

Go to File - Save as AVI

Pop it into your Mac.


I just did this, it worked absolutely flawlessly. Made a visibly-identical Divx copy, at approximately the same file size, and it plays in Quicktime and everything else without a hitch, sound and vid perfect.

09-22-2005 PM


Oh, by the way, the file I used was a WMV3-encoded AVI. I m not sure how VirtualDub handles MKV, as I have none on my computer currently.

We re using powires Compression Master 2 - it can convert every movie into other codecs - wmv3, real, quickTime, - its expensive but it s woth

My impressions of Microsofts Mediaplayer for Mac are very bad:

no multiple files can only play one file - no playlist

little gaps by playing wmv3-movies no idea why, i use a 2x2,5 G5 with 2.5 MB RAM - but the same on a G4 iBook with only 512 RAM, maybe a problem in the codec

it has the ugliest interface ever - ok - MacOS 10.4. provides 6 original Apple-Interfaces at the same, but from brushed metal to the old stiped-aqua - nothing is that bad as microsofts Media Player

Problems by jup within streaming files. wmv kann be saved as streaming file, or as progressiv for download. The same file as progressiv can be used normaly - use the timeline-slider an jump, some images dropped while seeking the keyframe and the movie plays. Trying this at a streaming-file it toks the same time to reach the new position as if you let play the movie normaly. I think that the player kann not jump in streaming-files and so it plays the movie in background in singel speed and if the new timestamp is reached - it play s the movie with pictures

10-02-2005 AM


What if it is a wmv3 movie embedded in a. mov file.

10-09-2005 PM


Flip4Mac WMV Player can play most Windows Media formats.

However, the best action to take when you come across Windows Media is to make a serious complaint to the person who encoded it, explaining the disadvantages of using Windows Media. Windows Media is just one of Microsoft s many anti-competitive schemes, designed to force people to use Windows.

Lazy people should encode video in QuickTime, which can be played on both Mac OS and Windows without any problems.

10-14-2005 PM


umm if they get sued and live in sweeden no good for microcrap they just get to send nasty letters to them and threten to take them to court but never can no DCMA there

10-18-2005 PM

illegal bob

I can only play. wmv files on windows media player for mac, but it s all choppy, and I am trying to get a solution so there is no chopiness, is that even possible.

I have a iBook G4, which has more than enough ram to play movies and etc. I also tried quitting everything and it s still choppy.

10-20-2005 AM


On Linux, ASF WMV, MKV or AVI files containing WMV3 codec can be played in mplayer and Xine, because the developer found a way to link to the Windows DLLs from their players.

Of course, this is only possible because Linux is running on the same CPUs like Windows, i.e. Little Endian INTEL compatible CPUs.

Mac s are Big Endian machines with CPUs of their own, thats why linking to the DLLs won t work. Nobody can change this, but Microsoft themselves, by releasing a newer version of WMP for the MAC, with WMV3 enabled.

But i guess its more likely that hell will freeze over than M releasing more software for the MACs.


matroska project admin

Only older version of virtual dub can do the conversion, due to licensing, they are all pulled and the new version cannot convert or play wmwantever file. Microsoft is trying to get more popular than quicktime, hence the difficulty of viewing their files increases by time.

11-01-2005 PM


some of you are right some are wrong let me tell you the turth about wmv3 files that come in a. asf. wmv. wma but the. wma files normaly are audio only but can be video. a wmv3 file is a wmv file encoded for windows media player 9 for pc. so anyone with anything lower wont be able to player and anyone with anything higher like widows media player 10 can play it. now on a mac if you have windows meia player 7 or 6 for mac os 9, 8, it wont play and if you have the windows media player microsoft first made for mac OS X witch was really just a carbon version of windows media player 7 for mac os 9, and 8. but if you got this adress and download windows media player 9 for mac OS X the. wmv files you tired to play in VLC player that didnt work becuase it talked about how it cant play wmv3 files well windows media player 9 for mac OS X the newest version can play them if you get a file it cant play thwn that mens it has been encoded for windows media player 10 or is using a old codec that is pc only. and to install windows media player 9 in 10.2 you need to goto apple system preferences and click on software update and make sure your computer has the latest version of mac os 10.2 witch is 10.2.8 you also to goto and download stuffit standard edition and install it once you do then goto and download windows media player 9 then once it downloads it will or you will unpack the. bin then you can or it will unpack the. sitx but your web browser might do like mine did and already unpack the. bin delte it and just give you the. sitx file witch now will open and once it is done the Windows Media Installer that it places on the desktop or whereever your downloads goto you juct double click it and it will install windows media player 9 once you do what it says and there you can play them. coming soon like maybe todo goto this website is one i am starting to tell people howto watch almost any video file any webstream download webstreams and encode video from 1 file format to another and rip dvds and get video into file cut and show you howto do some things and save as a mov or goto dvd studio pro and yes i will even show imovie and idvd and quicktime pro. peace

11-02-2005 AM

nmrules1 nmrules1


I understood in the end, one can,t play WMP files that are for version 10 MPlayer or older codecs. Thanks for your response.

11-03-2005 AM

Well, I tried many of the fixes recommended in this thread couldn t use the linux ones or the ones that require a PC running virtualdub and the only one that worked for my file WMV3 embedded in AVI was the Japanese conversion program.

But that works great. Thanks for the tip.

Now if only I can get X264s to play

11-22-2005 AM


After everything is setup with all possible softwares less emulation like VPC you still cannot play files encoded with version 10 codec from microsoft which is showing up more and more.

FUK M. i use my PC for wmv3 s and MS Access for work - i can t WAIT for the day i can throw this POS away. i think i ll go hit gates with another pie

11-24-2005 AM



Windows Media player has been working fine for me until last week, Playing a few wmv files I have no problem. Suddenly last week, there is no audio on the files, and when I launch a movie I get the message from Windows media player 9 Mac that says :

This file may not play correctly because it was compressed by using a codec that is not supported.

These files worked last week just fine and work on my mac mini just fine. Anyone have any suggestions. I did re-install WMP 9.

I am running an iMac 20 1.8 OS X 10.4.3.


11-27-2005 AM


Ok, I have an AVI file that uses WMV3 encoding. I know that no players on the Mac can play it VLC just plays audio. I tried the mplayer -dumpstream trick, which gave me a slightly smaller file that no players could play again, VLC just plays audio and complains about the WMV3 video, and WMP complains about an invalid file format.

Is there some sort of trick to mplayer -dumstream.

This is what I did:

mplayer -dumpstream movie.avi

mv stream.dump movie.wmv

11-30-2005 PM


Having same problem described by Bandit27 Guest Win. Media Player 9 started complaining about not supported codec and the audio disappeared. I wonder whether my recent installation of DivX 6 has anything to do with it.

12-16-2005 PM


OOOO. I found how to fix the audio playback issue:

Board UBB13 Number 331298 page 15 view collapsed sb 5 o fpart 1

look for whoisvince s post.

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Exactly the same problem with windowsmedia player as Bandit27. Worked fine until last week.

Now an error message about a missing codec and no audio

iMac G5 1.8 GHz 17 Mac OSX 10.4.3 Tiger

12-17-2005 PM


OK, here s the solution.

In your Applications/Utilities folder, run Audio MIDI Setup. In the audio devices tab, change the audio output settings to 44100.0 Hz and 2ch-16bit.

That s it. Apparently this problem is caused by VLC, which switches the audio output settings. Quicktime and WMP really don t like this for some reason and will create audio errors.


original post by whoisvince in macworld


I have always been able to play MPEG and WMV on my mac osx 10.4.

All of a sudden today I tried playing an AVI in MPlayer but it only played audio. I trashed the file and tried playing an MPEG in QT and it wont work Plays the video but no audio.

I tried Windows Media Player and that wont play anything at allsays error reading codec.

What the hell happed that would make all my files junk.. I did some digging and I noticed all my mpegs are mpeg1 muxed.

I dont know if they have always been muxed or if MPlayer did something to them. PLEASE HELP

12-19-2005 PM


Actually I just tried the above post and it worked perfect I just never saw this post earlier. Sorry. Thank You Hawken

I had tthe same no audio problems with media player I found the answer in mac help.

Open Audio MIDI Setup /Applications/Utilities/, then check the Audio Output setting.

Change the Audio Output setting to 44100.0 Hz.

Quit Audio MIDI Setup.

this solved my problems

12-28-2005 PM


Remember that a codec that is for a pc is not always available for a mac. So even if Microsoft tried its best to make mac,s windows media player the best as possible, still without a codec for seeing the video it will not work. And their are so many pc codecs out their that microsoft has no control over to make a mac version. In fact codecs are so important that my mac can play pc files that a pc can play if the codec is not installed. For example TechSmith.com makes a codec for compreser and decomp. both the mac and pc. But that is not the trend, Most are made for a pc. WMV file or AVI or MOV are played if the codec is installed. A MOV file can be any number different codecs and yet it is a MOV file quicktime.

12-29-2005 PM

I d like to thank Shin up above for the detailed instructions on using VirtualDub to fix a video that someone coded in WMV3 rather than the XviD that they _had_ been using. VLC still won t handle WMV3, and I won t install WMP9, so the VirtualDub instructions were a Godsend.

More posts like that, please.

Thanks again.


01-14-2006 PM


Microsoft ended support of Windows media player for mac OX and suggest flip4mac and quicktime as an alternative. flip4mac version 2.x is the latest for quicktime 7.4

01-15-2006 PM

The WMV3 stuff has confused myself for a couple of months. The problem got solved after I downloaded Windows Media Components for QuickTime from

915D874D-D747-4180-A400-5F06B1B5E559 displaylang en

Unpack this pkg and install the folder Flip4Mac in the Application folder simply by unpacking you will get this folder installed afterwards. There will be a file called WMV Player, drag an WMV3 file over this application will evoke Quicktime to play. Wait a couple of seconds or minutes, you will see the movie.

Hope this help.

Happy Chinese New Year

01-21-2006 AM


Yes, I found that with Flip4Mac installed and QT, I could play my avi-wrapped wmv3 files. Although I didn t know it before because it would take around a minute or 2 to start. I thought it was making QT hang, so I would force quit. But I realized that it was actually working when I had the Get Info screen open for a while then suddently the preview started to work. Anyway, I do believe the solution is to get the latest QT and the latest Flip4Mac and then open your files with QT. It may take a few minutes, but let it load.

01-23-2006 AM


Ok, wmv3 is a bitch, but there are some that wmp plays. I just had 3 different files. At first none worked. I downloaded the latest WMP and I feel a bit akward for doing so and only the one of them works now. So every now and then it will work, just don t count on it.

01-24-2006 PM


I downloaded video with a. mpeg extension to my Mac OS X 4.4.4. It came up with a QT icon. However, QT kept giving me a useless error message. VLC s log gave me an error message about missing WMV3. This forum suggested renaming the extension to wmv and running Media Player 9. It worked like a charm, thanks.

01-25-2006 PM

Bobthe man



btw, i m on imac 10.2.8



example - mikaney.wmv -- mikaney./stream.dump. wmv -- and viola.

i about screamed when it worked.




The free version of Flip4Mac seems to solve all my WMV3 viewing problems on an OSX 10.3.9 G4 Powerbook. The instructions are simple to follow and downloading, installing and viewing took only a few minutes.

01-28-2006 AM


Once again I have hit a brick wall. I somehow got one file to play using Flip4Mac and QT but now no matter what I do, I can t get this new file to play. Funny thing is, I finally got One Piece ep. 254 to work that was my previous post, but now the very next ep 255 won t work at all. I have tried everything suggested. Renaming, streamdumping, using VLC, using Flip4Mac and QT, WMV3server, etc, etc. By the way, I never could get WMV3Server to work, even if it did say Server Started. I would double click the asx file and it would give me an error about something in the wrong location. Is there something I have to do to get ssmt servers working on my machine. If anyone wants to give it a shot, the file is One Piece 255 RAW at this website.

01-30-2006 PM


02-01-2006 PM


Hi all, very stupid on my mac, when I use VLC to play, it appear the error message and only sound scan be herad, but when I open the video file with windows media player, it play video withut sounds.. _ any thoughts. Thanks.

02-19-2006 AM


Ok first of all even with flip4mac or wmp9 there is still a chance that ur mac can t handle some wmv3 encoded files and for the looks of it the only chance u got is to convert it on a pc or virtualpc

and stancwong find out what kind of codecs are being used video and audio as well maybe than there will be a solution for ur problem

02-19-2006 PM


get the free flip4mac codec fot QT then rename your file from. mpg to. wmv,

it works beautifully

02-22-2006 PM


This is not an issue Microsoft could solve even if it wanted to, so they can,t be blamed for something they don,t control. It is the Codec maker who are to be blamed. A lot of them will publish a PC version only and if a mac version is available, it usually is not as good. The wmv and related are container files like quicktime movie files. If the codec is not installed, neither play on any platform. So if anyone wants to bash Microsoft, at least do so were it matters. Any bad guy loves someone who is trying to get him on something he did not do, because the focus is of what he is doing.

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Well, for those of you who were talking about. mkv a few months back, I have one and it sure isn t working. I haven t tried the VirtualDub thing cause I don t have a PC and I don t plan on getting one anytime soon. But yeah, I tried that Japanese Program, Mplayer, changing the end to. /stream.dump. wmv instead of. mkv and other various. endings and nothin s workin. I guess it s just one of those super Anti-Mac things. Fortunately the guys who made the movie are gonna re-release it and all the future episodes of a new series in XviD/mp3. Whatever.

02-24-2006 AM


Okay, the answer to all this is so stupidly simple that I m kicking myself.

I ve got the flip4mac wmv codec and several WMV3 files in. avi and. mpg formats. Now they all work in Quicktime beautifully. What did I do.

Simple. CHANGE THE EXTENSION TO. wmv AND THEY WILL PLAY. Seriously, it s that easy. This way you won t be needing to install WMP 9 either.

Hope that helps.

Note: This was done on a G3 iBook with OSX.3.9 so this should work on pretty much everything else.


I tried everything on this tread, still can t get wmv3 to work im on a MacMini OSX 10.3.9

flip4mac now tells me it is not a file that QuickTime understands -2048

any help.

03-01-2006 AM


it appears to me that it seems to be quite usefull to know how the files were coded i have no problem with avi/mpg but wmv3s.

i used the newest qt update flip4mac freeware component and neither this nore VCL wouldl play this one video with the. wmv extension. the websites of f4m as well as vcl tell that there is no support for wmv3 files. wmv1/2 ones are exepted by both f4m and vcl.

now if i got some of you right, with some files i suggest those that are coded in wmv1/2 getting things to run is easily solved by renaming the files or do those other tricks you folks talked about.

does anybody know a prog for mac to analyse files. for finding out wheather it is a compatibility or simply a renaming issue


03-05-2006 PM

me pbG4 osx.4

Hi guys, first time I post something in here, but I think you might like this. I read almost all the postsfrom 2004 till today, and I tried just about all the players available, downloaded some codex, never worked, except one thing that I got from a post on 10 Apr 2005 pm from GUEST1234, which said:

I just renamed the file to asf, and played it with winows media player for mac os x, worked fine


I tried that and I can confirm, it worked for me and that is a much easier solution than what I read in most of the posts try it and see, hope it works for you


03-09-2006 AM

Christian Marcoux

HOW BAD CAN IT GET. I download a trailer movie from the official apple site and it was encoded by apple and it would not play on a apple and apples official quicktime pro, and the errro message said there is no compatable codec available at apple quicktime downloads..

But it plays fine on a pc with quicktime.

Just as things were getting good.

you know I have been working on this for a few weeks now and I have to say that their is a way to get it to work but it s a pain in the ass and it leads me to believe there is a better way

I have vlc mplayer quicktime and well i have installed so many things and moved so many files i m not sure how or where anything is anymore but these are my results

Quicktime- Perfect video but no sound

Mplayer- Perfect sound but no video and sound crashes after about 30-50 secs

Vlc- Perfect sound but no video and an error at opening

Now this is what confused me. Everone keeps say there is no way but if I run quicktime with vlc and sync them poof I am watching an avi with wmv3 now how can you tell me that if one program can do one or the other that you can t somehow ghetto rig a program to just do both

I know almost nothing about programing and such except from what I have discovered from screwing around on my own

If you would like to test the video files I am using it is any file off

please let me know what is going on because I would have to say I think it s a lie that mac s can t play these files

thank you for your time

04-13-2006 PM


hi thank u for the player

04-16-2006 AM


just read most of the forum on the subject and thought I would add my experience to the list. I have been working with video for about 5 years now and OS X has got a lot going for it now. WMV files can still be a night mare though, I noticed that one person was playing video in quicktime 9with flip4mac and Audio in VLC if you have QT pro you can export the audio from VLC using the wizard export options and just add the audio to the QT file and watch together : if you have the paid version of Flip for mac you can save the file as something else. As mentioned many time before you just cant trust the container wmv, AVI, Mov and even mpg I have come across lots of these that have simply either been named wrong by people who think all video is an mpeg or an AVI LOL or have used the container to put in a very wierd codec combination. 9 times out of 10 quicktime WILL tell you what is in the file on a get info, I really think it sucks that Microsoft doesnt even let you reencode their WMV3 without paying them : I have no wish to encode to the format, but would like to sometimes change it to something else so I did pay for F4M just so I can do this sigh. I know of NO other codec that stops you from reencoding it if you have and encoder that can play the file. So YES you can bash Microsft for THAT.

04-26-2006 AM

bad guest

well folks

i have been through all the forums and message boards and the answer to the question wether or not wmv3 file are playable under mac os x is almost always NO.

there are different suggestions on how to hack the problem, but the problem is that in most cases mac os x doesn t recognize the file for what it is.

i recently downloaded a wmv3 from the Net but mac os x kept telling me it was an mpeg file. vlc player, win mplayer, qt. nobody could open it and i kept getting the old error message -2048 or format not supported. . and flip4mac didn t do it s job, man i was getting tired of this.

so here s what you need

- qt player latest version 7.0.4 req. os x 10.3.9

- flip4mac latest version

- vlc player as a diagnostic tool

1. try opening your non-playable file in vlc player and get the errror message as usual

2. click open messages window and have a look at the log. find a string in red that says Main Error in red and find your actual codec in my case. WMV

3. close vlc - don t need it anymore

4. open your video file with the Inspector cmd i and got to the file name extension

5. change the extension to. wmv and confirm - close inspector window

6. right click the video file and choose open with - you should find the option wmv player there. take it.

7. qt should now open the file without hesitation and play normally

8. find out that your movie is actually some home porn shot by the guy from across the street and decide that you don t actually need this f file

so done on an iBook 14 with mac os x 10.3.9 - it goes to show that all computers are stupid even macs although they are not as stupid as pc s viva la mela.

05-08-2006 PM


this saved my life. wmv files can play in qt awesome. on mac. yesssss.

05-12-2006 PM


mowmowmow wrote:

I tried everything on this tread, still can t get wmv3 to work im on a MacMini OSX 10.3.9

any help.

yea restart your computer then try it again. maybe that will work.

It seems that people mix up the wmv3 with the wmv.

wmv shouldn t be any problem atleast i dont have any, but it is the wmv3 that is the problem. some of the solutions i ve seen here seems to be for the wmv codec.

you should check in vlc what codec the file uses. press command i-key when you have opened your file in vlc. Then check stream 0 which is video and youll see if its wmv3 or what ever it is.

i want help too..

05-23-2006 PM


Hello. I am running an iMac G5 OS X.4.6. Most times when you run into an WMV3 codec, simply change the suffix to wmv instead of avi or mpg/mpeg. Windows media already has certain packages to recognize certain codecs even when the suffix is changed. I ve tried it with every movie I have gotten an error with, and this method works fine.


06-07-2006 AM

Zan B.

rename the file with a. wmv ending click on the icon, press enter, then go to the end, delete. mpg or. avi or whatever, and replace it with. wmv

eg. from Movie.mpg

to Movie.wmv

Voila. now you can play it in quicktime/wmp etc

06-20-2006 PM


I got my videos to work that wouldnt work in VLC. All I did was follow the link that someone posted earlier.


then I downloaded flip4mac program.

after that I just changed the video file from. mpeg to. wmv and it prompted me do I want to use. wmv or. mpeg. Pick. wmv and I waited a little while and lo and behold the file played. I think it will work for. avi too. The file plays on quicktime.

hope that helps


08-29-2006 PM


Windows media 9 might get it to work, but be warned that it latches itself on to the hard drive so tightly you need software to uninstall it. Windows claims some bullshit about integration with the OS, but it s just another microsoft invasion scheme

10-30-2006 PM


Have you guys tried flip for mac.

11-10-2006 AM


an appliction called ISQUINT mac only will conert wmv3 files into mp4 ipod/psp. these files do take a while to convert though. have to say, ISQUINT is the dogs bollocks for psp videos

12-01-2006 PM


makker wrote:

well folks

so done on an iBook 14 with mac os x 10.3.9 - it goes to show that all computers are stupid even macs although they are not as stupid as pc s viva la mela.

what is the Inspector.

12-02-2006 PM


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this topic is old, but

the newest version of the VLC media player available at has been able to play even. avi files encoded with the WMV3 fourcc codec. i downloaded a video that i really wanted to watch and got that dreaded error message, and even though it had always bee na futile effort before, i followed the link the bug reporting site and looked at the forum for the features they wish to include in future versions, which eventually led me to the comparison chart for the different platforms versions of VLC and the features they have.

ANYWAY, long story short, the version of VLC for Mac OS X out now - 0.8.6 - was able to play that AVI file with no problems - no dropped frames, no missing sound, nothing. it may be just a fluke but they seem to have fixed this compatibility issue.

12-24-2006 AM

steve gates


Here is a solution that should help some people see their video, and might also be why some claim they can get them to play and others can t. What you need to do is make sure the extension is . wmv of the file. I only have tested this on two wmv3 files, but it worked both times.

12-31-2006 AM


Dominik wagner wrote:

so here what i found out:

this wmv will play in windows media player, isn t that nice.

I just tried that, got the stream.dump output file, renamed it to wmv. Won t up in WMP9 for OSX or in Quicktime with Flip4Mac installed. I m using mplayer for OS X with the -dumpstream option added through the preferences menu. Any other ideas.

01-08-2007 PM


Any. wmv file, including those with wmv3 encoding, will play with Quicktime if you get this:

I have in fact verified this. Things open in quicktime, but if I open them in VLC then it says main: no suitable decoder module for fourcc WMV3. VLC probably does not support this sound or video format. Again, quicktime will play this same file just fine with the above extension.

Which is free and you should get.


indeed, renaming to. asf or. wmv is enough to make windows media player free play WMV3 files..

01-11-2007 AM


that japanese app linked above is the shizit.

it totally worked for me once i poked around with it.

01-17-2007 PM

dopy magenta

There is hope for all ye people who need wmv3 conversion.

Some brilliant japanese programmer has given us all a way to watch wmv3 video on macs.

of course, you still need windows media player, but it s better than nothing. The quality is occasionally jumpy depending on your connection.

don t worry about all the japanese. run the program, open your wmv3 encoded file through the program, play the videofile that comes with the program, and voila.

02-02-2007 PM


Ok I ve got Full_Metal_Panic_21.DVD AAC KAA. avi as an example file.

The video plays in quicktime but no audio. The audio plays in VLC but no video.

Windows Media Video 9 Standard, 640 x 480

is what quicktime s get info says.

main: no suitable decoder module for fourcc WMV3.

VLC probably does not support this sound or video format.

is what VLC says.

Any thoughts about my issue.

02-16-2007 PM

B Anime

Just to add the WMV3 server says the audio codec is AAC. Doesn t quicktime play AAC.

just chaned any extension to wmv and ur done.

02-21-2007 AM


So, with the new VLC 0.8.6 I can open the WMV3 movies without any problems.

My question is

How do I now save these files that I can see using VLC.

Any thoughts.

Nothing I ve tried works :


03-17-2007 AM


I forgot to mention that I m using VLC to access a WMV3 stream, not a saved file on my Mac

I have wmv files I cannot play as well. Is there a codec I can download. From where.

04-02-2007 AM


i use the program EasyWMV v1.2.2 and have converted just about every wmv3 file that doesnt play in wmp or vlc. download from versiontracker.

05-20-2007 PM

alex a

i have a video that doesnt play the sounds because it needs wmv3 decoder witch apparently did not download with the video. what should i do to fix it or how do i get it. please some body help

05-28-2007 AM


i ve installed Flip4Mac, a windows media to quicktime converter, and i m able to view live and archived wmv9 encoded files via Quicktime no problem.

06-07-2007 PM


I just downloaded a avi which wouldn t play in VLC. Said it was WMV3. Tried loading it in WMP9 and said it couldn t handle that file type. I renamed the extension from. avi to plus WMV. Opened in WMP9 and hey presto plays fine.

07-10-2007 PM


I know this is an old topic, but found it by searching

Here s how to eliminate choppy video on WMV3 s for Mac when VLC and Flip4Mac can t handle it

The problem is that Macs can t easily handle WMV3 that is above a certain pixel resolution. WMV2 s seem to work fine, but hi-res WMV3s produce terribly choppy, virtually unwatchable video. Here s how to get around it:

Use Visual Hub to convert your WMV3 file to a lower resolution, 640x480 or less. Or better yet, let it convert to an. avi or. mpg for better compatibility. This has worked for me very well so far.

Good luck.

10-14-2007 PM


ok here s is what works. you get flip4mac any torrent site can help get that. now you can watch them with quicktime. if you want recode then download quicktime pro again look for torrents or activation keys or buy. then go to te menu till you find the option export and thats it, export to whatever you like.

10-22-2007 AM


crayfish wrote:

Here s a Japanese program that converts WMV3 into ASF called WMV3 Server works on OSX 10.2.8 and above.

Thank you. Thats my favoured solution to the problem. Simple, fast, efficient. Keep up the spirit.

12-27-2007 PM


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there is a solution 4 this problem. its called wmv3server. search it in google. it works

08-09-2008 PM


JamesGiantPeachfuzz wrote:

I can t believe there hasn t been a player released on mac to play it. It s been like 2.5 years since the last version of WMP came out lame

What s lame is that MS keeps assaulting us with proprietary formats. This is why I use Linux and OSX.

09-15-2008 PM

Iron Horse Tamer

Why is everything for mac so complicated. I find this with most application. Mac does not support most things. I wish i kept my DELL.. Everything worked Mac is not so special.

12-28-2009 AM


I used Flip4Mac FlipPlayer and can play well WMP3 video on iMac which none of other players could not recognize.

So it s finally resolved

05-17-2013 AM


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05-18-2013 AM


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WMV3 codec (VLC or quicktime on mac OS 10.3.3)

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