Can You Crack A Rib Through Coughing

Rib Pain. Suffering from rib pain but have no clue of the cause. We understand your pain and are happy to help you in our little way. Read through the articles that.

Cough-induced rib fractures.

Unfortunately it s the 2nd rib down from my neck which goes partly under my shoulder blade, so I m told it can t be strapped at all.



To define the demographic, clinical, and radiological features of patients with cough-induced rib fractures and to assess potential risk factors.


For this retrospective, single-center study, we identified all cases of cough-induced rib fractures diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn, over a 9-year period between January 1, 1996, and January 31, 2005. Bone densitometry data from patients medical records were analyzed, and T scores were used to classify patients into bone density categories.


The mean /- SD age of the 54 study patients at presentation was 55 /-17 years, and 42 patients 78 were female. Patients presented with chest wall pain after onset of cough. Rib fracture was associated with chronic cough or 3 weeks duration in 85 of patients. Rib fractures were documented by chest radiography, rib radiography, computed tomography, or bone scan. Chest radiography had been performed in 52 patients and revealed rib fracture in 30 58. There were 112 fractured ribs in 54 patients. One half of patients had more than one fractured rib. Right-sided rib fractures alone were present in 17 patients 26 fractured ribs, left-sided in 23 patients 35 fractured ribs, and bilateral in 14 patients 51 fractured ribs. The most commonly fractured rib on both sides was rib 6. The fractures were most common at the lateral aspect of the rib cage. Bone densitometry was done in 26 patients and revealed osteopenia or osteoporosis in 17 65.


Cough-induced rib fractures occur primarily in women with chronic cough. Middle ribs along the lateral aspect of the rib cage are affected most commonly. Although reduced bone density is likely a risk factor, cough-induced rib fractures can occur in the presence of normal bone density.

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People suffering from inflamed costal cartilage or intercostal muscle strain are most likely to experience rib pain from coughing. Scroll down to learn about other medical conditions that may cause rib pain.

The rib cage, which is also known as the thoracic cage, is a bony structure that encloses the organs located in the chest cavity. The rib cage consists of twelve pairs of ribs, twelve thoracic vertebrae and an elongated T-shaped bone called sternum. The ribs, which are curved arches of bone, are an integral part of the rib cage. They are categorized into true ribs, false ribs and floating ribs. The first seven pairs of ribs are referred to as the true ribs. These attach to the sternum through costal cartilage. Costal cartilage refers to the connective tissue that connects the ends of the ribs to the sternum. The next three pairs of ribs that are called false ribs attach to costal cartilage of the lowest pair of true ribs. The last two pairs of ribs, which are called floating ribs, do not attach to the sternum and are only attached to the spine.

Since the costal cartilages allow the ribcage to expand and drop during inhalation and exhalation, one may suffer from painful breathing if the costal cartilage gets inflamed due to trauma or medical conditions. One may also experience pain if the ribs develop cracks. The intensity of pain may increase during deep breathing. In fact, one could even experience rib pain due to an intercostal muscle strain. An intercostal muscle strain could occur due to violent coughing. In this article, we will learn about the circumstances under which one may suffer from rib pain from coughing.

Rib Pain When Coughing

Rib pain could be caused due to a wide variety of reasons. A rib injury that causes damage to the ribs or the costal cartilage is one of the most common causes of rib cage pain. Inflammation of the intercostal muscles could also give rise to rib pain while breathing. At times, the pain that you experience while coughing may even be a referred pain from the lungs. Given below are some conditions that may be responsible for causing rib pain while coughing.

Costochondritis: Costochondritis refers to the inflammation of costal cartilage. This condition is characterized by tenderness over the costosternal joint. A person suffering from this medical condition is most likely to experience rib pain while coughing. Costochondritis occurs when there is repetitive strain to the ribs. Those who play contact sports are definitely at a greater risk of developing this condition. Jerky movements or forceful swinging of arms during sports such as golf, tennis or rowing could lead to the inflammation of the costal cartilage. At times, the costal cartilage might get inflamed due to respiratory infections, especially viral infections. Since the intercostal muscles located between the ribs facilitate the movement of rib cage during breathing, a person suffering from inflamed intercostal muscles is most likely to experience labored breathing or painful breathing. The pain may exacerbate with exertion and may also worsen while sneezing or coughing.

Lung Conditions: Pleura refers to the thin serous membrane that surrounds the lungs. Inflammation of pleura is medically referred to as pleurisy. Those who suffer from this condition are more likely to experience rib pain when coughing. The buildup of fluids between the layers of the pleura could also cause painful breathing. So, if you have been experiencing painful breathing or severe rib pain from coughing, you must get yourself medically examined soon. At times, severe coughing that occurs during severe chest infections or lung disorders may even cause the ribs to crack.

Joint Conditions: Aging may bring about degeneration of cartilage or weakening of bones. For those who develop medical conditions such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, even mild injuries may lead to cracked ribs. While osteoporosis is a medical condition that is characterized by weakened bones, osteoarthritis is associated with age-related degeneration of bones due to worn down cartilage. A person suffering from any of these conditions needs to be extremely careful. Even a small rib injury or violent coughing may cause cracked ribs.

How to Treat Rib Pain

Since ribs can get weakened due to joint disorders, it s essential that these joint disorders be treated at the earliest. In case, one suffers from a cracked rib due to coughing or rib injuries, doctors may prescribe painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs or nerve block injections. These can surely help in providing relief from pain that may be arising from cracked or bruised ribs. Cracked ribs may heal between 3 to 6 weeks, but rib fractures might take longer. RICE, which stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation works for most types of strains, but it may not be followed in entirety in case of a costosternal strain. Application of compression wraps or splints may not be suggested. This is due to the fact that these may interfere with breathing.

One must take ample rest and avoid any physical activity that may worsen the condition. This will ensure a speedy recovery. Self-care measures will surely help in speeding up the healing process. Once the ribs have healed considerably, one can also perform certain breathing exercises. One can suffer from a cracked rib from coughing only if one s bones are weak and when the infection is severe enough to cause violent coughing. Thus, the best way to prevent rib cage pain from coughing is to treat such infections at the earliest. Elderly people who suffer from degenerative joint conditions should follow the advice of medical experts to manage the symptoms of such conditions. Drug therapy coupled with lifestyle-related changes will surely slow down the progression of such diseases.

This was some information on causes of rib pain from coughing. Since rib cage pain can be caused due to a wide range of reasons, people suffering from persistent rib cage pain from coughing, must get a medical checkup done. A timely diagnosis and treatment will pave the way for a speedy recovery.

Rib Pain from Coughing

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  • People suffering from inflamed costal cartilage or intercostal muscle strain are most likely to experience rib pain from coughing. Scroll down to learn about other.
  • Home; Discussions; Body Health Conditions; Musculoskeletal Issues; Bone, Joint and Ligament Problems; Can you crack or break a rib from coughing. Save this for later.
  • Symptoms of Bruised or Cracked Ribs. There are a couple of ways you can bruise or crack your ribs. You can receive a blow along the rib area, or fall heavily on your.
  • Jan 23, 2006  kimbalina said There s not much you can do about a fractured rib except just wait it out. Rib injuries heal on their own and usually take about 6 weeks.
  • You May Also Like. Symptoms of Bruised or Cracked Ribs. There are a couple of ways you can bruise or crack your ribs. You can receive a blow along the rib area.